
wo baaten teri wo fasane tere

Abdul Hameed Adam

wo baaten teri wo fasane tere

Abdul Hameed Adam

MORE BYAbdul Hameed Adam

    vo bāteñ tirī vo fasāne tire

    shagufta-shagufta bahāne tire

    bas ik dāġh-e-sajda mirī kā.ināt

    jabīneñ tirī āstāne tire

    bas ik zaḳhm-e-nazzāra hissa mirā

    bahāreñ tirī āshiyāne tire

    faqīroñ jamghaT ghaḌī-do-ghaḌī

    sharābeñ tirī bāda-ḳhāne tire

    zamīr-e-sadaf meñ kiran maqām

    anokhe-anokhe Thikāne tire

    bahār-o-ḳhizāñ kam-nigāhoñ ke vahm

    bure bhale sab zamāne tire

    'adam' bhī hai terā hikāyat-kada

    kahāñ tak ga.e haiñ fasāne tire

    wo baaten teri wo fasane tere

    shagufta-shagufta bahane tere

    bas ek dagh-e-sajda meri kainat

    jabinen teri aastane tere

    bas ek zaKHm-e-nazzara hissa mera

    bahaaren teri aashiyane tere

    faqiron ka jamghaT ghaDi-do-ghaDi

    sharaben teri baada-KHane tere

    zamir-e-sadaf mein kiran ka maqam

    anokhe-anokhe Thikane tere

    bahaar-o-KHizan kam-nigahon ke wahm

    bure ya bhale sab zamane tere

    'adam' bhi hai tera hikayat-kada

    kahan tak gae hain fasane tere


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