Kamil Shattari's Photo'

Kamil Shattari

1905 - 1976 | Hyderabad, India

Poet famous for penning the Naat "Aapko Paataa nahin jab aap ko paataa hun"

Poet famous for penning the Naat "Aapko Paataa nahin jab aap ko paataa hun"

Profile of Kamil Shattari

Pen Name : 'Kamil'

Real Name : Shaikhain Ahmad Hussaini

Born :Hyderabad, Telangana

Died : 01 Nov 1976 | Telangana, India

Syed Sheikhin Ahmad Hussaini Kamil Shattari belongs to Hyderabad's famous learned Mashaikh family and Sadat-e-Hussaini. His ancestors came to Gujarat from Arab countries passing through various cities of India. Syed Ahmed Gujrati, the ancestor of his seventh generation, made Aurangabad his home in 1660. Kamil was born in 1905 in Astana Shataria Mohalla Dabirpuri, Hyderabad. He received his early education at home from his father and then learned logic from Deedar Ahmed. Maulana Abdul Qadir Siddiqui Hasrat Hyderabadi, Maulana Abdul Wasi (former Professor Osmania University) and Maulana Syed Abdul Baqi Shatari have been special teachers of Kamil. Kamil was at the same time a religious scholar and thinker who kept an astute eye on the Pir-e-Tariqat movement and modern requirements. Kamil's poems are still sung with fervor in the monasteries of the subcontinent, which enrapture the audiences. He passed away on November 28, 1976.

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