
Author : Khwaja Bandanawaz Gesudaraz

V4EBook_EditionNumber : 001

Year of Publication : 1957

Pages : 50

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معراج العاشقین ایسا ہدایت نامہ ہے جس میں کثرت سے خواجہ صاحب کے ملفوظات اور آپ کے وعظ اور اذکار کے حالات درج ہیں۔ حالانکہ یہ موضوع زیر بحث ہے کہ معراج العاشقین خواجہ بندہ نواز گیسو دراز کی تصنیف ہے یا نہیں۔ بہرحال اسے اردو نثر کی پہلی نثری کتاب مانا جاتا ہے۔ زیر نظر کتاب کو گوپی چند نارنگ نے اپنے مقدمہ کے ساتھ شائع کیا ہے، اور مقدمہ میں خواجہ بندہ نواز کے حالات زندگی کے علاوہ کتاب کی زبان اور اس کی لسانی خصوصیات پر سیر حاصل بات کی گئی ہے۔

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About The Author

Khawaja Syed Mohammad Hussaini is widely known as Banda Nawaz Gesu Daraz. He was born in 720 AH, and was a man of great knowledge and practice. His early education was under the tutelage of his father and grandfather. He later graduated at the age of 19 under the supervision of excellent teachers. After some time, he swore allegiance to Khawaja Naseer-ud-Din Chirag Dehlavi and rose to prominence in the caliphate and became involved in the promotion of Islam. He was a vivacious poet. Muhammad used to be his pseudonym. He largely recited Ghazals and quatrains. His miracles are famous. His saying, instructions, and letters are a beacon for all. The Sultans of India believed in him. Sultan Feroz Shah Bahmani invited him to visit Gulbarga which he accepted. Sultan Ahmed, the younger brother of Sultan Feroz Shah, built a magnificent dome over the shrine after the death of Khawaja. He died in Gulberga in 1625 AH 825 AH.

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